1st Flight 

Legacy Elevated

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1st Flight

1st Flight is a program designed to normalize aviation and promote public awareness of career opportunities within the vastly growing aerospace industry.

1st Flight provides underprivileged  individuals with the opportunity to experience their first flight in a small aircraft, exposing them to the world of aviation. The 1st Flight experience inspires and motivates these young individuals to pursue careers in the aerospace industry by normalizing aviation through an inaugural flying experience where participants learn more of the aerospace industry.

1st Flight aims to break down barriers and create equal opportunities for all individuals, regardless of their background and limited access to aviation education. Through this program, the BlueJireh Foundation inspires the next generation of aerospace professionals, contributing to a more diverse and inclusive industry.

Educational Opportunities

1st Flight offers educational workshops and mentorship programs to support interest in aviation. Workshops cover various topics such as  aircraft mechanics, air traffic control and aerospace engineering.


Our current focus is to provide a first flight experience as part of a high school student's college campus visit. As that student is in the process of exploring a new world in education, we offer them insight into opportunities in aviation and the potential for what that could offer them in a career.


Through partnerships with local flight schools and aviation professionals, 1st Flight organizes flight events where participants are given the chance to experience a short flight in a small aircraft.